Thursday, March 4, 2021

10 Bruce Lee Facts That Confirms He Is A Legend


A lot of us know that there are many untrue facts out there about guys like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. But let me assure that these facts about Bruce Lee are true.

Many of you definitely have a respect and honor for such a legend like Bruce, but some of you might not be too impressed. Well after reading through this article I bet he will become one of your heroes too.

                                                            image source-Flickr

1. They had to slow the film down for Bruce Lee because he moved too fast.

Martial arts films are usually sped up, but Lee’s movements were so fast they couldn’t be captured at 24 fps (the average frame rate back then), so they were shot at 32 fps.

2. He could remove a coin from your mouth and replace it without you being able to close your mouth.

Lee was so fast he could take a coin from your hand AND replace it with another before you had time to close it. Now that is really fast!

3. His father sent him to San Francisco because he would constantly get in trouble with Hong Kong police.

Bruce’s family lived in Hong Kong, but his father sent him to San Francisco (where he was actually born) when he was a teen because he would always get in trouble with Hong Kong police for being a well-known street fighter.

4. He could punch holes in soda cans with his fingers.

Bruce could punch holes in a soda can with his fingers. Not doing it for you? Well, this was at the time where these coins were made of freaking steel.

5. He did push-ups with his thumb and index finger only.

Two-handed pushups are for humans; he actually did them on one hand, thumb and index finger only.

6. Bruce injured his back in 1970 during training.

In 1970, Lee injured his back (sacral nerve damage) during training; the medics deemed him unable to continue his martial arts practice, but he unexpectedly fully recovered. He still acted in five movies between 1971 ad 1973.

7. In the picture below: This is called an elevated V-sit position. Lee would hold it for more than 30 minutes.

                                       image source-Pinterest

8. He had a sidekick that would send a 300-lb punching bag flying.

A sidekick from Bruce could cause a 300-lb punching-bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling. But Lee was definitely an enemy with them because another of his sidekicks broke a 130-lb one.

9. He had a crazy daily workout that most people could not handle.

Bruce Lee’s daily workout consisted of 360 waist twists, 100 sit-up twists, 100 leg raises, 200 leaning twists, 200 frog kicks, 2000 kicks and 5000 punches. And that’s just a workout, training not included. I don’t even know what most of those are!

10. Bruce was able to send a man flying 15 feet with a one-inch punch technique.

Using the one-inch-punch technique, Lee was able to send an adversary 15 ft away. Bob Baker of Stockton, whom Bruce hit in such a way in the famous video said, “I told Bruce not to do this type of demonstration again. When he punched me that last time, I had to stay home from work because the pain in my chest was unbearable.”

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